I always thought a Calendar was a little strict (and extremely time-intensive to keep up) for my needs, and something like a plain-text memo-like reminder was too far the other way. Tasks was just perfect. Structure with compromise.
When I first got my N800, I was disappointed there was no Palm Tasks-like application. I've tried them all, and none were up to the task (no pun intended).
Recently (actually, like just the last couple days) I looked into programming my own solution. At this point it is merely a mock-up: no data storage, no functionality, no killer features (or features at all), but it presents the concept of my ideas.
I call it Quick Do (and no, it may have the same Quick prefix, but it will not be integrated in Quick Clip).
Here is the proposed main view: (also showing future filtering options)

And the Add Task dialog:

The Date selector:

Will this turn into an actual application, probably (after battling with the gtk.TreeView widget for hours already, I would hope so!). But more importantly, what do you think of the interface? Finger-friendliness is out-of-the-question, but anything else? I have a laundry list in my mind of features that could be added, so a little direction is welcome.
Feel free to leave comments below.